This is a blog in defense of wine. We are professional and passionate wine defenders.
This is a blog dedicated to everyone who likes wine.
Music & Wine

Champagne with Millionaire (the band)

July 17, 2018 0

I’ve always been a defender of Champagne !!! The wine is wine twice wine, due to its unique and magical double fermentation!! I have also learned a lot about the Cava, which I also do […]

Breaking the rules

Rare Sakés Vs Grandes Cuvées Champagnes

April 13, 2017 0

What an excitement to discover this event in Geneva ! Organised by the competent team of Baghera Wines, a modern and recent company created in 2015, and which are making people talk. They define themselves as a […]

Breaking the rules

Discovering Saké, the drink of the rising sun

January 12, 2017 0

I love challenges! They are always worth it! And the latter has been: to spend only 13 hours in London learning about Sake and savouring their unique flavours and amazing textures! What more to say, […]

Breaking the rules

Breaking the rules of the American dream!

January 19, 2016 0

Mannequin 2013 One of the few white wines that makes Dave Phinney  aka Orin Swift Cellars. The new Californian star! : 76% Chardonnay, 8% Viognier, 6% Marsanne, 5% white Grenache, 3% Muscat and 2% Rousanne. […]

Breaking the rules

The rising of a new californian star?

November 24, 2015 0

After the arrival of the famous Californian varietals that amazed many ! After the intelligent simplicity of the marketing and communication of Californian wine, Dave Phinney arrives breaking the rules of the game, hitting hard at the […]


Drinking wine with Johnny Burnette

May 24, 2015 0

This song was written by Granville McGhee and May Williams, and recorded by the unstoppable Jerry Lee Lewis, also nicknamed “The Killer¨, because he undoubtedly knew how to give everything on stage. But this cover version is […]

Breaking the rules

Eric Clapton & Bottle of Red Wine

May 22, 2014 0

Another great artist, seduced by Wine! We are talking about the talented English composer, singer and guitarist, Eric Clapton. Because Wine has always been a inspiration trigger for artists and creative people and it will […]

Breaking the rules

Omar Khayyam, the wine poet!

April 4, 2014 0

Omar Khayyam (1048-1131), Persian poet, astronomer, philosopher and mathematician. His best-known poetic work and a classic is Rubaiyat where already wrote to the wine in the 11th century, developing a complete philosophy of life through […]

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