My alarm clock did not sound! I could not believe it, my Ipad had failed me, I almost lose the bus to the trip organized by the European Wine Bloggers Conference 2011 across one of the wine regions, which has impressed me most this year and which for sure will continue doing it in my near visits.
I refer to the beautiful region of Chianti, in the Toscana, but I am not going to tell you, what you all already can verify in wikipedia or in the fabulous page of the Consorzio Chianti Classico, because I want to share with you the sensations, aromas, memories and definitively, the Chianti Effect, which it is impossible to miss if you visit this incredible region personally.
Gallo Nero, symbol of Chianti Classico.
Ok, here it´s Bianco.
The Chianti Effect can be defined, undoubtedly, as the emotional estate of mind marked by the satisfaction and the happiness of sharing and enjoying, with other related persons, Chianti’s wines, its land, the simplicity and exquisiteness of its food, and the magnificence of the simply beautiful things, without need of any adornments.
When we arrived in Radda, at the Convent of Santa Maria in Prato, the new headquarters of the Consorzio de Chianti Classico, we shared an informal and tasty lunch, in the arches of the cloister of the Convent. My first surprise was, a super wine in my glass, it was the variety Sangiovese the one that my lips were touching, a Chianti Classico, elegant and amazing, concentrated and complex, but especially, really pleasant. Undoubtedly, it was the best possible welcome, to begin to discover Chianti’s wines, what better place to discover it, than in its own house!.
The same region that received in the S.XVI to Leonardo da Vinci and to the very same Gioconda, lso born in Florence, receiving the name of her merchant husband Francesco del Giocondo. And about the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa I wonder, how not to smile at such an interesting, visionary and multi-skilled man? Artist, scientist and writer, between his known and innumerable virtues?.
We can imagine perfectly the dialog between Leonardo Vinci and the Gioconda while she was posing:
- Leo: Gioco, you look very serious, you have not taken enough Chianti.
- Gioco: I think I should relax, with a little bit more of this delicious wine, almost celestial, Leo.
- Leo: Enjoy Gioco, that your husband is not here, he always finishes the stock.
- Gioco: If you hurry up in finishing the session of today, we might be able of walking along the gardens.
- Leo: I love your energy Gioco, I attempt catching it by gestures, only for a second, in this picture.
The smile of the Gioconda, doesn´t have any more mystery. If you visit Chianti, you will know that it was the result of the pleasure of its wines, of the company of Leonardo, of the landscape, and only in that way, you can get this eternal and inmutable smile, the one with that we all have came back, from this wonderful trip across the wine, its history, gastronomy, people and places.
Vrazon (Gabriella, Ryan y Robert), or organizing this wonderful conference, you have reached something unique in the world of the wine, and it is a pleasure to be part of it. I have also learned a lot about Franciacorta, Alto Adige and Chianti and have made new friends.
Thanks also to Franciacorta and to Chianti Clássico for the good organization
Follow in twitter a @ChiantiClassico to be up to date!
Soon more Italo-fantastic articles at www.winedefender.org !
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